Greenhop offers customised Norwegian language courses for healthcare personnel. Greenhop language courses will help you learn Norwegian effectively! The courses proceed according to your schedule. You can begin the course at any time suitable for you.
Are you interested in working in Norway and gaining more experience in the healthcare sector?
Norwegian language courses for healthcare personnel!
Greenhop’s guided Norwegian language courses for healthcare professionals focus on studying the professional healthcare language. You will also learn to use Norwegian in everyday life situations.
The language courses include the Greenhop learning method that will support you in learning a new language quickly and improve your language skills without exhausting studying. You will develop your Norwegian conversation skills and improve your listening comprehension capability. The learning method has been developed based on studies on how to learn a language quickly and effectively.
Norwegian language courses for healthcare personnel!
The Norwegian language courses include Norwegian 1 Helse for beginners and the more advanced Norwegian 2 Helse. The courses correspond to the A2 – C1 level.
The courses include weekly guided learning material and personal online teaching. During the course, you will receive guidance in studying the language, and you can also ask questions regarding the learning material. At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate of the course. All the learning material remains available to you.
The Norwegian 1 Helse language course includes learning the basics of Norwegian and the professional healthcare language. The course is suitable for beginners and those with a basic knowledge of the Norwegian language. The level of the course corresponds to A2.
The price of the course Norwegian 1 Helse is 125,00 € (VAT included). The course lasts five weeks and contains 3 x 50 minutes of personal teaching online.

The Norwegian 2 Helse language course (B2 level) focuses on the more demanding Norwegian language of healthcare. You will increase your Norwegian in both work and everyday situations.
The price of the Norwegian 2 Helse is 160,00 € (VAT included). The course lasts six weeks and contains three hours of personal teaching online.

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